May you have a full reward from the LORD, under whose wings you have come for refuge!
Thursday, June 1, 2023 Psalm 74 Ruth 2 Acts 2:37-47 Observances: Justin, martyr at Rome (d. c. 167); Week of Prayer for Reconciliation; Ember Day May you have a full reward from the LORD, under whose wings you have come for refuge! As members of the Church, we are members of a local church. In those local churches something we do is pray for each other. Usually this will involve, in part, being on a prayer chain-style setup. A member of our Christian family will ask for specific prayers, and the word goes out to the entire body to pray into that situation. Quite often we will see the result of our prayers through a mysterious third party: prayers for healing are fulfilled by a medical professional; prayers for financial support are fulfilled by an employer or charity, for example. Prayers are powerful, and they work. Something that prayers do is bless. These blessings, made in the name of the one true and living God, are powerful, and they work. Somethin...