God’s greatness is unsearchable.


Monday, May 29, 2023

Psalm 145

Deuteronomy 5:22-6:3

Acts 2:1-13

Observances: Week of Prayer for Reconciliation; Ember Day; Prayers for the ordained ministry of the Church are appropriate this Ember week.

God’s greatness is unsearchable.

God’s nature as spirit is a wonder. He is always with us, but we cannot reach out and touch Him like we can a friend. Many Christians will say God is to be found in looking at His creation, and it is true that simply by looking out the window we can see the reflection of God in His handiwork. Other Christians might say that God is found in other people. As Anglicans, we hold the Incarnation as one of the greatest of God’s revelations to us, and when people image Christ to us we rightly consider that to be holy.

The note above this Psalm is that it is by David. David went to plenty of different places, and met plenty of different people. His formative years were as a shepherd out in the bush; his rite of initiation was on the battlefield. He hid in caves and reclined in palaces. He rubbed shoulders with warriors, farmers, servants and nobles. We know from the Psalms that are attributed to him that in all these places and with all these people, he knew where to find God.

This is the wonder of God’s nature as spirit: that God is everywhere. In dark places, God is the One Who Protects; and God is always leading the Christian into the place of peaceful conclusion, where God is the One Who Rejoices. All these different situations and people, with all those different ways things could go, but God is amongst it all, directing those who love Him into the everlasting kingdom. Bless the Lord that He is in control of it all, and that He is kind in all His doings!


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