Saturday, May 20, 2023


Saturday, May 20, 2023

Psalms 114; 115

Deuteronomy 1:22-45

John 15:26-16:11

I have said these things to keep you from stumbling.”

When we are in the midst of what seems like a delayed response from God, the world gets very dark and grim. The Bible is full of promises from God to come and rescue us from suffering and trials – but the wait is unbearable. There are plenty of pithy statements that, like the “advice” from Job’s friends, come to mind and make things worse: ‘good things come to those who wait’; ‘God prefers to marinade rather than microwave’.

Consider the deep wound of the broken hearts of the Israelites in the wilderness, who let their impatience get the better of them: after witnessing some of the most spectacular and terrifying signs God has ever performed, they continued to grumble. Like spoilt children, when they didn’t get what they wanted, they turned around and tried to rewind God’s instructions and invade the promised land on their own. Loss after trials after loss, until they were given the sad news that none of them would escape the wilderness: the land was to be for their children.

To be brutally honest, when we are in our own times of darkness, there is no profit in trying to discern God’s purposes, to try and figure out why we are suffering. There may be opportunity for learning once the darkness has passed, but when dark times come, there is only one thing the Christian can do. Jesus has sent His Holy Spirit to us, to be our Advocate and Helper. We must trust this promise from our Lord, and obey the will of the Spirit who guides us. It is the Way of our Master; the walk of discipleship down this narrow path. Jesus has said these words to us to keep us from stumbling. Nothing else will do.


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