How could we sing the LORD’s song in a foreign land?


Friday, May 26, 2023

Psalms 137; 138

Deuteronomy 4:25-42

Observances: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity; Augustine of Canterbury, missionary and bishop (d. 605)

How could we sing the LORD’s song in a foreign land?

In the heavenly places, God ascends His throne and holds court. Voices from all across creation ring out, clamouring to be heard, both friend and foe. The Accuser steps forward and points in our direction: “Look at this person you have made, and how they falter under my attack! As I must die, so must they!” Our spirit falters under the hateful gaze of the Enemy who only wishes us harm. Is this true? We are under attack, and we do suffer under the weight of evil that this world throws at us. Daughter Babylon the Devastator has come and brought down our walls, and they dashed our little ones against the rock. How could we sing the Lord’s praises in the face of such horror? All those instructions from Jesus to stand firm, to be courageous, to stay faithful – who could possibly hold to them in a situation like the one I am in?

God is good, all the time – for that is His nature. But where is that goodness to be found? All seems dark and lost. Perhaps Satan is right about me.

But our Heavenly Father laughs in derision at the accusation. “This one is my child, whom I chose from before the foundation of the world to be with me forever.” Then another voice: the Holy Spirit, my Advocate and Helper. He speaks with groans too deep for human words, and it is the very voice of God sending the Enemy scattering: “This one is Mine”.

Finally, my eyes of faith are lifted, and I see the most beautiful Person eyes could ever behold – more beautiful, too beautiful. The Son of God, the Lamb who was slain and now lives forever, was there the whole time, but in my sorrow and sin I was blind to His presence. “This one is my sibling,” He says. “I bled and died for this one,” He says. My eyes see again – there is no Enemy to be seen. My ears hear again – there is no clamour to be heard. There is only a peaceful quiet, a gentle pause, a silence in the presence of the Most High, and my heart is finally at rest.

Something else can be heard now, something in the distance, and it is getting closer. The stage is set, and it is time for me to sing my song: the whole earth is about to praise the Lord, because we have heard the voice of His mouth.


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