Monday, May 8, 2023
Monday, May 8, 2023
Psalm 89:1-18
Exodus 31
John 12:20-33
Observance: Julian of Norwich, holy woman and mystic (d. 1417)
Happy are the people who know the festal shout.
Recently, a certain former politician who was also a Christian gave a talk to a gathering of lay and ordained ministers. She described how, when she first entered Parliament, her spirit was full of excitement for all of the policy areas in which she could serve: industrial relations, business, trade, foreign affairs, and so on. Pretty quickly, however, people caught on that she loved the Lord, and instead she became known only as someone with Christian insight. Initially, she was offended, perceiving that she had been reduced from an individual to her faith. However, after only a short time experiencing the brutally personal world that is Australian politics, she learned that to be known as a Christian first and everything else second gave her immense reserves of strength and comfort.
If it is tough for the Christian to deal with the world and all its rough edges, how much worse must it be for those who do not know the Lord! Imagine not being able to run to our heavenly Father at the first scrape or bruise, hand held tight to the pierced hand of Jesus, being led by the Comforter Spirit! Assuming that other people think the same way that we do is the first myth that is busted when we enter any sort of political arena, whether it be the workplace, the community organisation, or Canberra. The strength that the Lord provides is not felt by those who do not love the Lord.
If this wounds your heart, then good, it should, because it wounds the heart of our Lord, too. He desires that none should perish, but that all should turn from evil and live. That untouchable and infinite well of joy that we have been given access to is open to anyone who would come and drink. This party we have come to, the party of eternal life, is the kind of party that gets better the more people come. Happy are the people who know the festal shout: blessed be the LORD forever, amen and amen!
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