Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Psalm 89:38-52

Exodus 32:1-14

John 12:34-43

They loved human glory more than the glory that comes from God.

There is a gag about priorities, and it comments that “no-one lies on their deathbed and regrets not spending more time in the office”. Sensible chuckle aside, it is true that we only get one shot at this life, and that there are eternal implications for everything we do.

Christ has manifested Himself truly and sufficiently as the Messiah, as the Lord God. He has called every human being to repentance and discipleship. How much of that information can we honestly ignore? How much of our response to that claim can we relegate off into the “too hard” basket; as something to worry about some other time?

There is also the dangerous temptation for us to keep on doing the same thing we always have; following a certain career, or advocating for a certain cause. It may seem noble and just and very Christian; and if we squint hard enough, we can just about make out a justification for ourselves, retroactively applying our new life in Christ to our old ways of the world. But if we were to lie on our death bed tomorrow, would we be able to think to ourselves “I have no regrets for how I spent my time: all of it was spent giving my utmost effort to the Lord”?

A golden calf, cast from smelted jewellery, sitting out the middle of the desert, is a funny thing to think about. But it is a very dark humour. It embarrasses us because of our own sad desperation to receive honour from anyone other than God. Let us all renew again today our baptismal vows; that we desire only the glory that comes from God: more than desire, we love it.


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