“When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth.”


Monday, May 22, 2023

Psalm 118:1-18

Deuteronomy 1:46-2:19

John 16:12-24

Observance: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (until Eve of Pentecost)

When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth.”

There is a little game I like to play sometimes when I hit a red traffic light. It involves taking a common nugget of wisdom and attempting to “Christianise” it. Today’s readings give us a chance to play this game.

I’m sure we have all heard (and groaned at) the statement “when God closes one door, He opens another”. I hope we are all aware that this sentence appears no-where in the Bible. However, it seems reasonable enough; lived experience would seem to prove it as a true rule of the universe.

Is that what was happening to the Israelites in the wilderness, however? Did they find God closing the door to the land given to the descendants of Esau? Did they spy an open door to the land of the Moabites, only to have it shut in their face? Was Ar, the possession of the descendants of Lot, a viable option at one point only to have God change their direction at the last minute?

God has a definite plan for each one of us. All of our steps were planned out before we were formed in the womb. For those who love God, those steps may descend into the valleys, but those valleys eventually lead out onto the plains of the promised land. The Holy Spirit of God, whom Jesus has given to us, is leading us gently through this journey. There is a definite destination, and that destination is the home of God, a place of perfect peace. The Spirit of truth has come; He is guiding us into all truth. The only doors we are walking through are the ones leading us home to God.


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