Wednesday, May 17, 2023


Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Psalm 106:1-24

Exodus 40:17-38

John 15:1-11

...and their anointing shall admit them to a perpetual priesthood throughout all generations to come.”

As Christians, we have a living hope of a physical resurrection to imperishable bodies; combine this with the fact that the kingdom of heaven and our life in abundance is here and now, it has hard not to wonder what aspects of this life will continue on into the next.

For example, I like to play the trumpet. Having to make myself do at least a little practice every day can be difficult. There are a number of specific and obscure face and stomach muscles that are not really used in any other activity, and to be able to play as well as I know I can requires daily exercise to “keep my chops”. At times, I regret to admit, I go through periods where I do not play at all, and picking the instrument back up again means pushing through weak lips and a soft tummy for several days before I am happy with my sound again. But then I think to myself, perhaps I will get to keep playing trumpet after the resurrection – which means I have the rest of eternity to improve!

While there will be a physical aspect to our eternal future, there is also a spiritual. Holy aspects of who we are will remain, to forever grow in the encouraging presence of the Lamb. Aaron and his sons were ordained into a perpetual priesthood; perhaps they will be amongst the worship leaders in the resurrection.

God has given spiritual gifts to every one of us. Our spiritual nature has been given certain tasks to perform, and the grace to perform them. They have been given to us for this life, and they will continue into the next. Whatever your Christian vocation is, God chose you specifically for that role, ordaining you to be a beacon of light throughout all generations to come.


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