“But take courage; I have conquered the world!”


Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Psalms 124; 125; 126

Deuteronomy 2:24-3:5

John 16:25-17:5

Observance: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

But take courage; I have conquered the world!”

There is something unnatural about conflict. Perhaps in the abstract sense, but more obviously in the practical. To be brought to violence (of any kind) requires a change of mentality: we “see red”; our peripheral vision darkens; the roar of white noise builds up in our hearing. Men of war have written about how bravery is not the absence of fear, but being able to overcome fear through sheer willpower. Conflict is not in our nature.

This is why those who would follow Jesus must follow the way of peace. While those who live by the sword will die by the sword, those who life by the word will live by the Word. Jesus made this one of the core teachings of His sermon on the mount; the prophet saw into heaven and gave Him the name “The Prince of Peace”.

The violence of the world is countered not by a greater violence from outside the world. It is countered by the love found only in Christ. When we head out into the world, aware of the possibility of violence awaiting all who carry the name of God on their heads, we do so with courage. Not the kind of courage gained by an extra glass of rum at the bar! But the courage that comes from faith: the deep peace that Jesus has given us, the faith that connects the mind with the heart and gives the soul the discipline to respond with love, no matter the circumstances.


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