“Friends, the scripture had to be fulfilled…”


Saturday, May 27, 2023

Psalm 140

Deuteronomy 5:1-21

Acts 1:15-26

Observances: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity; Week of Prayer for Reconciliation – May 27 to June 3

Friends, the scripture had to be fulfilled…”

One of the reasons why God is such a rich object of our worshipful study is because He has so many dimensions. Everything God does is laden with meaning; every piece of fabric of human history is strung together into a beautiful and dense whole. Religious history is filled with people who tried to make a one-to-one connection between an action of God and its meaning, but God just turns around and says “have you also considered this?”

Peter was the wisest theologian who ever lived: he both learnt directly from the mouth of God in Christ, and he had the human experience to back up what was true and what wasn’t. Even he, however, looked at the number of apostles and realised that there had to be twelve, because wasn’t it plain to see, there had to be twelve apostles to represent the twelve tribes of Israel?

One game of cleromancy later and they had their perfect twelve. But then later God decided for Himself who the twelfth would be: Paul, on the road to Damascus, brought into the presence of the risen and ascended Christ and taught all he would need to know to be the twelfth apostle – to the Gentiles.

Even this summary isn’t doing justice to the layers of meaning behind God’s action in these historical events. Look at today’s rendering of the Ten Commandments; it wasn’t that long ago we read the same ten as recorded in the book of Exodus. But note how the reason given for observing the sabbath is different: in Exodus, the Israelites were given a day of rest because God Himself had a day of rest after creating the universe and everything in it. Today, we hear that the Israelites were given a day of rest as confirmation and a reminder that they were once slaves, but now free. One word from God, many different meanings. Layers upon layers of good reasons as to why God does the things that He does.

This is why reading the Bible will never get boring. We have all read these passages a million times. But we didn’t have the life experiences today that we did last time we read them, and so now they have new meaning. Go on, its the weekend – live big, God has given you the day off; you never know what you might discover.


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