The LORD will once again rejoice to see you do well.
Monday, January 1, 2024 Psalm 113 Deuteronomy 30:6-20 Colossians 3:12-17 Observance: The Naming and Circumcision of Jesus The LORD will once again rejoice to see you do well. God has done great things for us – amen and amen! And so we rejoice in Him. He has put a song in our hearts and a spring in our step. The love of God the Holy Spirit has been poured into us and overflows out into our thoughts, deeds and meditations. Rejoice always – and again, I say rejoice! Such joy that the people of God know (a joy that is as natural as breathing) comes out the wellspring of the life of Jesus. Jesus gives us this never-ending and never-failing stream of abundant life, the permanence of which gives us peace, and the truth of which gives us joy. But what a scandalous thing to suggest that God also rejoices in us. God, above the earth and the heavens, looking upon us as mere creatures with the shortest of spans, here one day, gone the next – this God rejoices in Hi...