I will make shalom your governor.


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Psalm 140

Isaiah 60:12-22

Titus 2

Observance: John, apostle and evangelist

I will make shalom your governor.

The peace of God surpasses all understanding. It is not peace such as the world knows; it is the peace of Jesus.

The Lord Jesus is the Prince of Peace, and the Father has given Him all authority in heaven and on earth. This peace that He gives is not a general sense of calm. It is not a lack of activity; it is not boredom.

Peace in the sense of that which our Governor of Peace brings is like a fortress in our soul. It is a place to which we can and must retreat. Our constant prayers take us to the place of peace. Through our prayers, the peace of God fills up our soul, sharpens our spiritual weapons, clarifies our understanding of the way things are (and the way things ought to be). We are ruled by peace; God has made peace our governor.

Having been given that peace, our Governor gives us work to do. Righteousness is our taskmaster; our job list is filled with the works of heaven that can only be done once we have the peace of heaven. Because to do the works of righteousness means they are also done in the spirit of righteousness: glad hearts performing God’s works with joy.

Our God is our Governor; He rules us with peace. His commandments are righteous, and we do them joyfully, in the full knowledge of the peace of Jesus.

As we approach the next year, we need not worry ourselves with new year’s resolutions. Instead, this journey from Advent through to Christmas has reinforced the foundations of our hope and filled us with joy beyond measure. Having been reminded of the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, we can march renewed into the next phase of God’s mission to rebuild this earth.


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