Respect those who labour among you.


Monday, December 11, 2023

Psalms 10; 75

Isaiah 43:14-44:5

1 Thessalonians 5:12-28

Respect those who labour among you.

As your alarm wakes you up this morning and rouses you into action, take a moment to pray for your pastor.

Your mission in the army of Jesus is to serve the world. Their mission is to serve you. It is a Monday morning, the morning in which the weekly cycle of work starts again. For the pastor, it is their day off. And yet they will still wake up, dress their soul in repentance and faith in the blood of the Lamb, and go to the throne of heaven and bring your case before God.

As you go about your workday, in the office, on the road, on the worksite, in the home, or in the home of someone else, your pastor is standing before the Lord Jesus and bringing your name forward to His attention.

Through Paul, God the Holy Spirit has established various orders of ministry to serve the body of Christ. Your mission field, your area of ministry, is the world. The work you have been set is to battle the forces of evil on their own turf. You are a soldier of light, an agent of love bringing light to dark places. There will be temptations and attacks everywhere you turn. But you are protected under the blood of Jesus, and your pastor is praying for you. Those who labour among you are building a wall of protection around you in prayer, so that you may be assured that your day will be blessed.

We all have a job to do. All of us are required to get the job done. We can do our job in confidence that God is giving us the grace necessary to complete it. All of us are working together and working for each other. Go forth this week, confident that your place in the body of Christ is of great and sacred importance, and that the rest of the body is working hard to make sure you do a fantastic job of it. And don’t forget to pray for those who labour among you; for bishops, priests and deacons. They are praying for you.


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