God’s gift has restored our relationship with him and given us back our lives.


Thursday, December 28, 2023

Psalms 143; 146

Isaiah 61

Titus 3

Observance: Holy Innocents

God’s gift has restored our relationship with him and given us back our lives.

When we read various commandments from God in our Bibles, they are often in the context of a covenant. A covenant is like a deal: if we do this, then God will do that. It is like Newtonian physics on an eternal scale, where every action has its consequence: if we bless others, we will be blessed; if we curse, then we will be cursed. God has said this to us so that we can have a basic understanding of how He works.

But God wanted to teach us more about Himself. This is because God does not want us to be cursed, in spite of how much we might act like we want this to be the case. And so, in order to teach us just how much God wants us to live the blessed life (and be free of the cursed life), Jesus came and lived as one of us. Jesus’ incarnation – that five dollar word that describes how Jesus of Nazareth was both God and human – demonstrates many things about what God is like. One of these things is that God wants to love us into obedience.

Jesus’ life on earth does more than provide us with an example to follow. His life also actually provides the means by which we may join in living the blessed life. God has given us a set of commandments to follow, but following them is not a daily struggle. The Holy Spirit, which has been poured over us so abundantly and generously, has cleaned out that part of us that likes sin. Following God’s commandments is a blessing, both in the sense that it is the means by which we live the blessed life, and also to follow them is in themselves a blessing.

It is all grace, top to bottom. Living this way is the great gift of God, given to us through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, and the waterfall of the Holy Spirit that came as the result. If you have a list kept in your head somewhere, keeping track of all the good things you have done listed next to all the bad things you have done, throw it away. It is useless, and it is a burden unto death. Living in the way God wants us to live is actually quite straight-forward: simply pray in the Holy Spirit and keep studying God’s word. This is the way to access the gift of God, the gift of the thorough cleansing, the gift of forgiveness of sins, the gift of life eternal. God’s gift has restored our relationship with him and given us back our lives.


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