Comfort and keep comforting my people.


Monday, December 4, 2023

Psalm 80

Isaiah 40:1-17

1 Thessalonians 1

Observances: John of Damascus, monk, teacher of the faith (d. c. 749); Nicholas Ferrar, deacon, founder of the Little Gidding community (d. 1637)

Comfort and keep comforting my people.

Look at our world: all these human beings scurrying about to and fro, getting our work done on time, making sure our plans are fulfilled. Zoom out, take in the bigger picture. Keep panning that shot wider and wider. Then we might get a glimpse of what the prophet Isaiah has seen: that all humanity is merely grass, all its kindness like wildflowers: the grass dries up, the flower fades, when a wind from the Lord blows on it.

The prophet has become the spiritual astronaut. High above the atmosphere he sees this planet, all the plants and animals, mountains and oceans, and little humans covering it all. But it is not only to demonstrate how fragile our existence is. The grass dries up and the flower fades, but there is something greater holding all things together: the word of our God, standing forever.

Seeing all this, the world, the people, and the God who holds all things together, Isaiah has something to say, and it is a single word: “comfort”. Comfort, comfort – keep comforting my people, says our God.

Comfort, because while our existence on this earth is here today and gone tomorrow, our God still holds us. God still hears us. God still loves us. Not only has our guilt been paid off, but we have received double from the hand of God in exchange for our sins.

The miracle of Jesus is what Isaiah and God are speaking about. Make a clear path for Jesus, because He comes with His mighty power. The power Jesus wields is the forgiveness of sins, our crimes against the infinite God, which demand eternal justice. Jesus’ eternal nature has wiped away those sins, and we are now guilt-free, able to stand before the throne of God with full confidence. Not only that, but we have received double: forgiveness was more than enough, more than we deserve, but God also gives us the righteousness of Jesus. Once we have been washed in the blood of Jesus, we are not merely left in a neutral state. We become to God the Beloved of God. The love that the Father has for the Son is the love we now receive, too. Comfort, keep comforting: the Lord Jesus is coming.


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