Does the clay ask the potter what he is doing?


Thursday, December 14, 2023

Psalm 9

Isaiah 45:9-25

2 Thessalonians 3

Observance: John of the Cross, mystic and teacher (d. 1591)

Does the clay ask the potter what he is doing?

As the potter fashioning us for various tasks, God has the freedom to decide where we are to go, what we are to say, and how we are to act. The good plans that God has for us are worth surrendering to.

God has the future of the entire universe all worked out. There will be wars, and there will be rumours of wars. Nation will rise against nation; brother against sister, and children against parents. The clay will argue against the potter. Many pieces will complain that their Maker has no skill.

But God responds: “You have no right to question me about my children or tell me what to do!” We hear echoes of God’s conversation with Job: “I am the one who made the earth and created human beings to live there.” We humans have been given two options: live according to the way we were designed to live, or argue in vain and complain that God should have done things differently. Turn to God and be saved, people all over the world! God’s promise is true, and it will not be changed. Through God we find victory and strength, but all who hate God will suffer disgrace.

Paul teaches that we are to turn to God as a group. Pray for each other. Pray for ministers of the Gospel, so that the word of the Lord may spread rapidly and be glorified everywhere. Pray for ourselves, that the Lord direct our hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ. The Potter fashioned the clay for works of love and goodness. Brothers and sisters, do not be weary in doing what is right. And may the Lord of peace Himself give us peace at all times in all ways.


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