Plundering the strong man’s house.


Saturday, December 2, 2023

Psalm 77

2 Kings 25:21-30

Mark 3:19b-35

Observance: Frances Perry, founder of the Royal Women’s Hospital, Melbourne (d. 1892)

Plundering the strong man’s house.

Satan has been a busy boy in his time roaming around the earth, devouring whom he may. While the earth is the Lord’s, as well as everything in it, Satan has been going around and pocketing as many goodies as he can get his grubby little paws on.

Money that should be given to the church and its mission is held up in back accounts of weapons manufacturers. Musical talents that should be lifting our hearts to the Lord have been employed in the service of base lusts and desires. Physical health, a gift from and marker of the work of the Lord Jesus has been tied up, and those lacking it have been tied down when they should be enjoying God and glorifying Him.

But Jesus is the stronger man. He has broken into Satan’s house, tied him down, and returned all those blessings to the people for whom they were intended. The house of the enemy has been plundered, left smashed and in smoking ruins, and God’s people are free once again to use God’s blessings for God’s glory.

Not a square inch of Satan’s home has been left unplundered. Jesus went into the depths of that cursed place, right down to the basement, the place of death itself. Satan’s greatest weapon, the nuclear option, the last resort of the enemy, is death. And yet Jesus went there and turned it into the means of new life.

Jesus is free to come and go from that strong man’s house. Satan is bound, tied up and gagged, helpless as he watches the Lord Jesus stroll around and release more captive souls and captured blessings. When we pray to the Father to give us all the good things that He is pleased to give us as His children, Jesus goes and fetches them for us. We hear all the time of famous musicians and successful businessmen repenting of evil and turning to Christ. Miraculous healings are frequent and widespread. The stronghold of the enemy has been battered down, smashed into ruins, and the leader of that place is tied up and helpless to stop it.

The feeding frenzy of God’s people has begun. Dear Lord Jesus, please go and retrieve for me those blessings you set aside for me from the foundation of the world. Free me and those I love from the power of the enemy. Lord Jesus, you are the stronger man. You have defeated the enemy. I love you.


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