Those Who Serve God (Malachi 3:18)

Saturday, November 30, 2024 Psalm 72 Malachi 3:13-4:6 Revelation 13:11-18 Observance: Andrew, apostle and martyr Those Who Serve God (Malachi 3:18) Congratulations all round: we have reached the end of this study! We have now spent almost half a year travelling through the latter part of Israel’s history as recorded in the Old Testament. Beginning with the prophet Amos, we saw the brooding storm slowly build, until it broke over Jerusalem with the Babylonian destruction of the temple. We went into exile, where the prophets encouraged us to keep hope. That hope was vindicated with the return of the exiles, where we discovered all was not as we had hoped: a big job was before us. The work of rebuilding had to be done. Yet there were mockers and scoffers, enemies of God and his kingdom, and so we had to do our work with a sword in one hand, and a trowel in the other. And now, on the eve of Advent, we end with the final words from the Old Testament wi...