Like A Refiner’s Fire (Malachi 3:2)


Friday, November 29, 2024

Psalm 69:1-16

Malachi 2:17-3:12

Revelation 13:1-10

Observance: Ember Day

Like A Refiner’s Fire (Malachi 3:2)

As we get ever closer to Christmas, it is difficult to leave the house without having be-tinseled advertising shouting at us about our woefully under-filled Christmas gift list. The curmudgeon that I am, I cannot help but be a little grumpy on the inside, wanting to complain as loudly as possible that “it isn’t even Advent yet!” Yet for all the cheery cartoon gingerbread men and dancing children in Santa costumes, how can we read these words from Malachi and not feel like the birth of Christ is a little deeper than all that?

We begin today’s readings with some words that we know speak explicitly about John the Baptist: Saints Matthew, Mark and Luke all refer to it in their gospels. He was the messenger, and his message was to prepare the way for Jesus, the Lord we are seeking, the God of justice.

But who could endure the day of his coming? Who was able to stand when he appeared? For he was like a refiner’s fire, or a fuller’s soap. He sat as a refiner and purifier of silver, condemning hypocrites and exposing sin wherever he went.

Jesus is the God of justice; and he is also the messenger of the covenant. The blessings we enjoy from God come through him; the tithes and offerings we give back to him. And where Malachi speaks of bringing the whole tithe into the storehouse, and to see if the Lord will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that we will not have enough room for it – these prepare us for the words of Jesus, who tells us to take his yoke upon our necks, for his burden is easy and light.

The Day is coming, says the Lord; and a day has already come, says the Word of God. He came to not condemn, but to forgive, and bring many people to God.

As we reach the end of our study of The Sword And The Trowel, and enter Advent in order to prepare for the birth of Christ, which Christ are we preparing ourselves to see? Are we looking to the birth of the Christ of the advertisements? Or are we looking to the birth of the God of justice, who comes as a refiner’s fire, making a holy people for his own precious treasure?

Lord Jesus Christ, the Almighty: as we move from one phase of the Christian year to the next, inspire us with your Holy Spirit to see you in a way we haven’t seen you before. Make us to see you as you truly are, as your Holy Scripture describes, and how Holy Spirit affirms.


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