Like Jewels In A Crown (Zechariah 9:16)


Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Psalm 48

Zechariah 9:11-10:5

Revelation 7:9-17

Observance: Elizabeth of Hungary, princess and philanthropist (d. 1231)

Like Jewels In A Crown (Zechariah 9:16)

Today’s prophetic word from Zechariah does a really good job of showing us how we fit into this universe in an enchanted way. Yes, one does have to acknowledge that Zechariah is alluding to what happened during the inter-testamental period, when Alexander the Great came along and conquered Israel, and the Maccabees later led a successful revolt against them. But the prophet is doing what prophets do: talking about future history in a way that tells us what the grand pattern of God’s story is.

The grand pattern of God’s story is one of redemption; of evil tyrants getting their comeuppance, and a great king coming to free his people. While the Maccabees might have successfully removed the Greeks from power, it wasn’t long until the Romans came and took over. After that, it wasn’t until the 20th century that an official state of Israel was restored – and they are not exactly living easily, either.

Yet the grand pattern still holds. And the pattern, as with all of God’s patterns in nature, point to Christ. He is our great king, come to redeem us, his people. He has led us out of the waterless pit, filled us with shouts of joy, and led us to victory after victory. Unlike human history, which is merely a pattern, Christ Jesus is the original which inspired it, and his victory is from everlasting to everlasting.

Two terms jump out at us in this passage. One is where it speaks of the blood of the covenant (Zech 9:11). This is the covenant that was set firm from before the worlds were formed; the covenant of God’s grace to his people, the covenant that we have bound ourselves to by drinking Christ’s cup at his table. The other term is from where we get today’s title: that the people of this covenant will sparkle in the land like jewels in the crown. Christ bled and died for us because he knew that by doing so, he would resurrect us into a perfect humanity, worthy jewels for his crown as King of kings and Lord of lords.

Are we receiving Christ’s redeeming work, of bringing us out of the waterless pit? Are we following the sound of his trumpet, sheltering under his shield, overcoming everything which stands against us? When you pray privately to the Lord today, will you hear his voice in today’s scripture, saying “How attractive and beautiful!” to you? (Zech 9:17)

Sovereign Lord, marching in the storms, sounding the trumpet: give us the cup of salvation to drink, and the breath of Holy Spirit to roar in praise of you; and speak your words of love to us for our courage.


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