By Decree Of The King (Jonah 3:7)


Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Psalm 35:1-17

Jonah 3

Revelation 3:14-22

By Decree Of The King (Jonah 3:7)

If you ever want to spend a bit of time discussing abstract theory without actually getting anywhere, political science is not a bad topic to do it with. You can pick one of two sides; that to get political change one has to focus on the grassroots, or, one should look for change from the top.

If you wanted to have this conversation but have it actually be productive then you could baptise it. That is, take something that is overwhelmingly secular and pagan, and resurrect it as Christian. Since we are running with this theme of the sword and the trowel, of what we should be doing to participate in the building of the kingdom of heaven in our time, then let’s look at Jonah’s example in building the kingdom in Nineveh.

Jonah didn’t choose to bring about change with the anarchists at the grassroots. Nor did he go with the monarchist route of preaching directly to the king. (In fact, Jonah didn’t want to bring about change at all, but that is for later.) Change in Nineveh came from both ends. The people repented; and the king proclaimed a decree of repentance.

If we are to bring about repentance and revival in our place and in our time, then we also need both. We can’t shy away from preaching the gospel to those in authority, and calling them to bring about change from the top. Nor can we afford to ignore the culture in which we all live, of the conversations in the fish and chip shop, of the decisions of the local school P & C committee, of the way we cheer and boo our local sports teams.

We want a government that loves the Lord, and we want neighbours who love the Lord. We want the love of the Lord Jesus to pour down from on high, and to rise up from the very ground upon which we walk. Christian political science, if we can talk about such a thing, involves the love of the Lord Jesus in every place and from every angle. What part of your life is still missing the love of the Lord Jesus? Where does the truth of the gospel need to shine in your life?

God of compassion, look upon our leaders and our people. Bring us to true repentance, so that we will not perish, but live, and rejoice in your love.


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