Spirit of Grace and Supplication (Zechariah 12:10)


Friday, November 22, 2024

Psalm 51

Zechariah 12

Revelation 9:13-21

Spirit of Grace and Supplication (Zechariah 12:10)

What wonderful imagery we have here in this oracle of the prophet! Prophesying to the returned exiles, happily returned to their homeland, yet struggling to return to God, Zechariah comes up with all these themes for them to reflect on. As we read through them, it is difficult not to move without bumping into Jesus.

There is the immovable rock against which all the nations are gathered; the stone of stumbling, the rock of offence, the one upon whom the peoples fall and are injured: the Lord Jesus Christ. The blind leading the blind, because the Lord is with his people; the Lord Jesus Christ. The flaming torch of the Holy Spirit, sent down at Pentecost; the Spirit promised by the Lord Jesus Christ. The one whom they have pierced; the Lord Jesus Christ. Mourning as for an only child, a firstborn son: the Lord Jesus Christ.

This passage is about the Lord’s work. The first part talks about the effect the Lord’s work has on the opponents of the Lord, and the second talks about what effect it has on the Lord’s people. To open the second part, about the Lord’s people, Zechariah talks about Pentecost; when God “will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication.”

We have this Spirit; this Spirit is a Person, and he has been given to us. The “pouring out” is spoken of elsewhere, by St Paul: that God’s love has been “poured out” by Holy Spirit who has been given to us. In love, God has poured out Holy Spirit; and Holy Spirit gives us grace, and a spirit of supplication. This is when we are; this is who we are. People of grace and supplication, by Holy Spirit, sent by the Lord Jesus Christ out of his great love for us.

To have a spirit of grace and supplication is to be generous in all things, and to be always asking God for his help in all things. Where in your spirit do you need more grace and supplication?

Holy Spirit, grant me more and more of your grace; and lead me to Jesus, who is always before the throne of God on my behalf, so that I may make supplication through him.


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