Saturday, December 31, 2022
Saturday, December 31, 2022 Psalm 83 Isaiah 31 John 2:13-25 Observance: John Wyclif, teacher and reformer (d. 1384) But Jesus on His part would not entrust Himself to them, because He knew all people and needed no one to testify about anyone; for He knew what was in everyone. There is a very great difference between the God of the Bible and any other god. Whether we are talking about another religion, or a spirituality, or even no opinion on the matter at all, everyone worships some god. Spiritualities without a god worship the god of self: they are each and every one a never ending labyrinth trod in an ultimately vain effort for self-enlightenment, or self-improvement. Other religions worship a god invented by men: any religion that does not worship the God of the Bible is either overly mystic, where the spiritual myths are taught with the intention to convey human philosophical and moral principles; or they enforce blind faith in an invisible entity th...