Saturday, December 10, 2022


Saturday, December 10, 2022

Psalms 92; 93

Isaiah 10:12-32

Mark 8:27-9:1

Observance: Second Saturday in Advent

But who do you say that I am?

Everyone has some sort of spiritual need. Not the selfish type, as if we could go to a store that sold spiritual goods, and we could pick off the shelf that which we think we need. Rather, a spiritual need deep within, that universal yearning for the God Who Loves Us that is inside every human being.

Some need the Jesus who is the Perfect Man. A human being, just like us, who went through the same suffering, the same existential crisis, the same temptations, yet responded to them all perfectly. The Person that we would like to be.

Others need the Jesus who is God. The King of Kings, the One who made everything and upholds everything by the word of His power. The Supreme Being who is perfectly good.

Jesus is both at once, which is the marvel and miracle of the incarnation, and the reason why Christmas is such a wonderful celebration. He is the One worth pinning our colours to. His is the cause worth following; He is the one Person worth obeying with all that we have. This yearning within every single human, the yearning to reconnect with God, is vindicated when we meet Jesus, the brilliantly shining, multi-faceted jewel of the Godhead.

He knows this, too. And He asks us to commit to Him. God’s desire, to have all of creation worship Him, is not vainglory, selfishness, or neuroticism. It is the perfect loving logic of God. He alone is worthy, and as His creatures, we have the desire to give Him that glory built into our DNA. When, out of Jesus’ mouth, we hear the instruction to drop everything and follow Him no matter what, it is not a burdensome command. Rather, He is giving us permission to do that which our soul most desires. We do not want Him to be ashamed of us; He does not want us to be ashamed of Him. And when He comes again in glory, the ache in our hearts will be replaced with overflowing joy, because we will finally see Him as He truly is: the Perfect Man, the Awesome God. The Christ, the Messiah, the God Who Loves Us.


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