Thursday, December 22, 2022


Thursday, December 22, 2022

Psalm 118:1-18

Isaiah 27:1-13

Mark 12:41-13:13

Observance: Fourth Thursday in Advent

With the LORD on my side I do not fear; what can mortals do to me?

Mark’s gospel, the rocket trip from baptism to cross, has managed to pack so much in during this short ride. Jesus is now in His final week, travelling around Jerusalem, stirring things up with those who love themselves and their darkness.

What can mere humans like you or I do against such dark power? Such rage, selfishness, and hatred of God, that infests the world from the corridors of power down to the fence we share with our neighbour?

When they bring you to trial and hand you over, do not worry beforehand about what you are to say, but say whatever is given to you at that time, for it is not you who speak but the Holy Spirit.” Jesus has spent our time out in the countryside teaching us to follow Him, to trust Him, to obey Him and love Him. Now He is emphasising this teaching. Now that we have come out of our comfort zone and we have reached some real opposition, He gives us the much-needed reminder that He will always be with us.

And the good news must first be proclaimed to all nations.” Any nation, and society and culture within that nation, that does not hear the gospel of Jesus and then repent and follow God’s law, will (by definition) collapse and be replaced with one that will. There will, as a result, be “wars, and rumours of wars”, but these are the “beginning of the birth pangs” of the coming of God’s kingdom. And, as we noticed when we read where Paul says the same thing, if there is one thing we should understand when we see the phrase “birth pangs”, it means that something is inevitable. Ask any mother; as soon as labour begins, it only ever ends the one way.

The kingdom of God is inevitable. It cannot be stopped. God’s will be done. And God, in His infinite mercy and goodness, has selected us to have our hearts of stone transformed into hearts of flesh, hearts capable of repenting from evil and turning to Christ. These new hearts of ours are now something that God can work with; something He is happy to use for His glory, for building the kingdom, hearts through which He can pour out His blessings on creation.

This is why we need not fear what we will say when the enemy attacks us. Because we have given ourselves completely to Jesus, God has completely filled us with Himself. He directs us, and He cares for us, and He will always guide us into the paths of peace and glory.


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