Saturday, December 17, 2022
Saturday, December 17, 2022
Psalm 86
Isaiah 17:1-11
Mark 10:46-11:11
Observance: Third Saturday in Advent
“Take heart; get up, He is calling you.”
One of the (many) wonderful things about God is that God gets to decide what happens. The Psalms sing about God controlling the weather and the planets; our readings through the prophet Isaiah reveal how God gets to decide which empire is on top at any given point in history. In previous readings through Mark, we have heard Jesus talk explicitly about what He is going to go through when He gets to Jerusalem. This control Jesus wields over His own destiny is revealed in greater detail in John’s account of the trial and crucifixion. Jesus is God; God is in control; God gets to exercise His will however and whenever He pleases.
Just as God decides on whether the sun will rise or not, who will win the next election, or whether the fridge will keep our milk cold tonight, God also gets to decide who is drawn into His presence. Jesus rebuked the naysayers, and exercised His divine, sovereign decision-making authority when He called the blind man to His side. The voice of Jesus has that authority; the authority over everything and everyone else. When He speaks, He is heard, and no-one can go against His will.
When Jesus calls someone to Him, that someone cannot say no. There are two reasons why: first, because Jesus is Lord (whether we like it or not), and He has the authority of the King. Secondly, it is because the voice of Jesus is the voice we have wanted to hear our whole life (whether we knew it or not). His voice is like His nature: gentle, loving, and irresistible.
This little story, tucked away just before Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, teaches us what a couple of the doctrines of grace look like in action. God chooses those who are to be His eternal friends; and God’s decision on this matter cannot be restricted or denied in any way.
Such is the grace of God in our own salvation. God calls us, and we are humbled and also joyful, because in spite of who we were, God wants us to be with Him forever. And this call from God cannot be rejected. God’s calling is effectual. Any will of our own that we may wish to exercise in denying God’s call is ultimately in vain, because God gets what God wants. Do you hear the voice of Jesus calling you? Then take heart, because He will never leave you.
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