Tuesday, December 13, 2022


Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Psalms 101; 102:1-11

Isaiah 13:1-13

Mark 9:33-50

Observance: Third Tuesday in Advent; Lucy, martyr and virgin (d. 304)

Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another.

Today contains another one of those moments where Jesus’ teachings show Him to be much more than a two-dollar self-help guru. If we only read this passage lightly, we might miss what separates Him from human teachers.

Jesus teaches us to remove those things in our lives which are obstacles to holiness. He also warns us against placing obstacles in front of others. Certainly, this is something everyone can agree on.

But He then takes it further: if parts of your body cause you to sin, chop them off. And if someone places an obstacle in front of someone else, then the mobsters execution (attached to concrete and dropped in the ocean) would be getting off easy.

This is why Jesus’ teaching is elevated; why it could only come from the mouth of God. He is concerned for our souls, the core of our being. That which makes us who we are on the most fundamental level is what He is most concerned for us about. He would be cheating us if He only wanted us to “be all we can be”. He wants more from us; He wants the most of us.

Who is the greatest? The one who follows Him closest: who debases themselves for the sake of their friends. Who is the holiest? The one who cares nothing for this worldly life and everything for life in God. It is an admirable goal, and impossible under our own effort. This passage is connected to yesterday’s, and the same guidance from Jesus still applies: ‘this can only be gotten through prayer’. He would not have taught us to aspire to these things if He did not also give us the means to reach them. This is why He went to the cross, and rose from the dead. The impossible divide between human effort and God’s grace has been sealed over once and for all. Through prayer, we merely step through into God’s presence, and He gives us everything we need to reach the dizzying heights of glory where Jesus now sits.


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