Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Wednesday, February 1, 2023 Psalm 74 Genesis 20 Luke 2:41-52 “ ...he is a prophet, and he will pray for you and you shall live.” Abraham has gone and done it again. He just can’t seem to help himself! After all he has seen of and heard from God, he still thinks God needs a bit of a hand in carrying out His promises. Once again, God has to scoop Abraham out of trouble – in a most encouraging way, because the shame Abraham will face in front of his family and employees (again!) is punishment enough. What is noticeable about this passage is found in what God says to Abimelech. It is the first time that this Hebrew word for “prophet” is used in the Bible. It is not used in the way we would think: that is, God does not describe a prophet as one who speaks to people. Rather, in this passage, God is saying that a prophet is one who speaks to Him. If you are reading this reflection as part of your morning prayers, then you have fulfilled the role of prophet as des...