Thursday, January 5, 2023


Thursday, January 5, 2023

Psalms 15; 16

Isaiah 35

John 4:13-26

But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such as these to worship Him.

Jesus’ words are simultaneously most beautiful and singularly terrifying. In this one phrase alone, He is throwing open the doors of heaven to some, while swinging them shut to others. The Samaritan woman at the well could respond to these words in one of two ways. She could perhaps shrink at the perfect holiness of God in the presence of her sexual sin. But He has also given her a most precious truth, in teaching her that God can indeed be worshipped in any place on earth.

God can be worshipped anywhere at anytime, and, as the old prayer book would put it, it is indeed meet and right so to do. But it is not a stiff, ritualistic, empty worship. Worship that just goes through the motions, like those in the temple at Jerusalem, causes Jesus’ eyes to flash with anger, pick up His whip of cords, and drive us from His presence.

We worship God in spirit and in truth: the true God, and in all His truth. There is not one part of our faith that we shrink from, that we ignore because we don’t want to be like “those” Christians. God’s opinion is all that matters to us. We worship in spirit: in our very being. Down past our bones, and to the core of us that exists eternally, we wince at the sin we commit, give thanks to God the Holy Spirit for leading us back on track, and rejoice at our gracious King who died so that we may have that loving and caring relationship.

The hour is coming, and is now here, when we may examine our hearts: why do we go to church every week? Why do we pore over these ancient words, searching for guidance? Why do we thirst so desperately and can only find refreshment when we rest in the Lord Jesus? He that provides this refreshment, this eternal life, has told us just how much God wants our spirit to be joined to His: the Father seeks us out. He has named you, sent His messengers to teach you, and His Holy Spirit to warm your heart. You are the sheep who went astray; He is the shepherd who sought you out and brought you home.


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