Friday, January 6, 2023


Friday, January 6, 2023

Psalm 18

Isaiah 38:9-20

John 4:27-38

Observance: The Epiphany Of Our Lord

I love you, O LORD, my strength.

I love you, O Lord, my strength.

Before you made the world, you knew you would bring me into being.

You formed me in the womb, unfurled my tiny body like a fern leaf. You kept me safe and healthy, and stitched me together. When the time was right, you brought me into this world.

You gave me a childhood, so that I would know what kind of faith you would have me place in you.

You directed my path through my formative years. Through so many dangers, when so many things could have gone wrong, you instead let me see just enough so that I would learn to trust in you.

Through all my stumblings, you were there, picking me up, reminding me you loved me. Though I tried to ignore you, you held me close, and whenever I wanted you, you were there.

Though my sins are very great, and these should consign me to an eternity from your presence, you sent your Son into this world, just like me, yet perfect. He did what I could not, so that I could be with you forever.

And now I know that whatever I ask, you will give me. Sometimes you will want me to wait, because there are other things you want to give me first. Other times, you will rescue me immediately. Whatever comes, I trust you completely, because you have always been there for me, and your promises are trustworthy and precious to me.

I love you, O Lord, my strength.


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