Rejoiced in the Holy Spirit (Luke 10:21)


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Psalms 11; 12

Genesis 35:16-29; 36:6-8

Luke 10:13-24

Rejoiced in the Holy Spirit (Luke 10:21)

Imagine you are reading through Luke’s gospel for the first time (perhaps you are). There has been, so far, much of a tone of bitter fighting. It feels like we have been walking alongside Jesus as the great demon-slayer, healing sickness and banishing demons left and right. Yet here, as the disciples return from their missionary work, Jesus does something that he has not yet done in front of anyone: he rejoices. More than that, he rejoices in the Holy Spirit. And then we get a little speech from his lips that sounds like something out of John’s gospel, with all that talk about how the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are all somehow related to one another.

If we have spent any time going through John’s writings – or perhaps some of the dense and doctrinal New Testament Letters – then we have a little bit of an idea about the Triune God. There are three Persons, who are distinct, yet also the same in that unique way that makes God God. So far, so good, but – what’s the point? This is why today’s passage from Luke’s gospel sticks out so much.

All three Persons of God are present: Jesus the Son is rejoicing in the Holy Spirit as he speaks with the Father. Note the tone of this moment: it is filled with joy. Remember the start of the book of Genesis, when there was the promise of one to come who would crush the head of the serpent? Jesus is the promised head-crusher, and look at what triggers his rejoicing: the disciples have been given that same authority to tread on serpents. Indeed, Satan himself has fallen like lightning from heaven. God’s children are having the fulfilment of the ancient promise revealed to them, that promise is coming into effect, and the response from God is nothing less than joy.

This is truly a wondrous thing to contemplate, that the Godhead rejoices when his children step into their redemption. If you are at all reticent about coming to Jesus, of placing your trust in him, of allowing him to forgive your sins, of holding his hand and letting him rule over you in his love, then consider the joy of God. When you repent, are forgiven, and born again as a follower of Jesus, the Godhead rejoices: Jesus, rejoicing in the Holy Spirit, says to his Father, “thank you”.

What do you think God thinks about you? How might you enter in the joy of God?

Father, Lord of heaven and earth, we thank you that you have revealed your ways to little children; yes, Father, that such is your gracious will. All things have been handed over to your Son our Saviour, Jesus Christ, and we pray that we may sense that joy which he shares with Holy Spirit, that our salvation is according to your gracious will.


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