How Much More! (Luke 11:13)
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Psalms 20; 21
Genesis 38:12-30
Luke 11:5-13
Observance: John of God, worker among the sick and poor, Spain (d. 1550)
It seems we have been on a roll with the theme of prayer for the last few days – let’s keep it going.
Today is an extraordinarily encouraging word from Jesus in order to keep us at prayer. He is telling us that persistence in prayer is always rewarded. Not only persistence, but tenacity, even! If we consider how much we grumble when someone asks us for a favour, yet still do it, how much more will our perfect Father give us that for which we ask?
We can be assured that, whatever we ask for, we will get the best possible result. I am not sure if it is necessary for us to remind ourselves, but here goes: our prayers for a pony at Christmas, a million dollars and three wishes might not be answered. But this is not because God does not want to give us his very best. It is precisely because those things are not the very best thing we could get that we do not get them.
We ought to keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking – this is persistent tenacity. Be bold in your petitions! And not only bold, but wide. Asking – this is a “please may I have this thing” type of question. Seeking – “please may I have this particular wise insight”. Knocking – “please may I have a circumstance changed in my favour”. God is pleased in giving us the fullness of his blessing, according to the best of what he has to give us, which the is the best of anything possible.
Let us conclude with considering why Jesus would instruct us to ask for things. Surely God knows what we need beforehand? As is so often the case, Aslan the Lion teaches us why. In The Magician’s Nephew, the boy Digory has been sent on a quest by Aslan. After awhile, Digory begins to get hungry; why didn’t Aslan give him supplies for the journey? Consulting the talking horse Fledge (nee Strawberry), the horse replies “I’m sure Aslan would have if you’d just asked him.” “I thought Aslan would have known without being asked,” says Digory. “I have no doubt he would. But, he’s still the type that likes to be asked.” God knows what we need – but he’s the type that likes to be asked. He likes to hear from us; he likes to give us wonderful things. He truly is our Father in heaven.
What have you been asking from God? What has he been giving you?
Heavenly Father, you know how to give good gifts to us, your children. Give us the gift of your Holy Spirit, so that we may know what to pray for, and always be grateful for that which we receive from you.
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