Word Possessing Authority (Luke 4:32)
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Psalms 99; 100
Genesis 24:50-67
Luke 4:31-44
Word Possessing Authority (Luke 4:32)
If you have ever had the displeasure of composing a research assignment, then you would be familiar with how to construct an argument convincing to the academic world. It is not so much a case of putting forward a series of logical steps arriving at a reasonable conclusion, but rather hours of laborious reading, pulling together quotes and references, and demonstrating that, in fact, you have nothing original to offer: whatever you have to say has already been said, and look, here are the people who said it first to prove it.
The response of the people of Capernaum was a happy realisation that Jesus did not do this. We have a fuller version of this realisation in Matthew 7:29, after Jesus preached his sermon on the mount: that he preached with authority, not like the scribes and the Pharisees. Jesus does not need to pull together references outside of scripture in order to explain scripture: he is the inspiration for scripture, and explains it perfectly on its own merit.
The academic process is not inherently weak: there are plenty of wonderful things that believing scholars have revealed to us. But when understanding the Bible, there is always one ultimate reference that should be followed before bringing in any other: and that is the Bible itself.
This is the joy of being a Christian. Our walk with God requires vast reserves of quiet reflection and self-discipline, and so the Bible is God’s gift to us. It is the gift that reveals God to us, the gift that teaches us about God, and how to follow in his ways. It is greater to be desired than gold, even much fine gold; it is honey, dripping from the honeycomb, giving sweetness to the human soul. It is the word of God, possessing authority of its own, not requiring external references in order to make its truths plain. To any who would seek the truth, let them do so in a spirit of humility, ready to learn from the Master.
Jesus Christ, the eternal Word of God: give us the spiritual discipline to study your word in the pages of the Bible. Bless our study so that we may learn more of your love for us, and therefore continually grow deeper into the knowledge of the glorified human you will one day make us to be.
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