Bearing Fruit With Patience (Luke 8:15)


Thursday, February 27, 2025

Psalm 140

Genesis 32:13-32

Luke 8:8-18

Observance: George Herbert, parish priest, poet (d. 1633)

Bearing Fruit With Patience (Luke 8:15)

I have recently come across a concept which, as it turns out, everyone else knows about already: that of “intrusive thoughts”. It is an unpleasant thing to have to deal with; so I wonder, does the Bible have anything to say about it?

Jesus is teaching us the meaning of the parable he told us yesterday. In so doing, he explains why he teaches in parables by quoting Isaiah, specifically chapter six, verses nine and ten. While Isaiah does seem to be one of the favourite books of the New Testament (going by how often it is quoted, especially by Jesus), does this help us understand Isaiah any better (or the bits of the New Testament where it is referenced)? And how might this help us with the problem of intrusive thoughts?

While we are not getting a specific answer to our question, it does seem that we are getting a general rule of living that can help with it. The words of Jesus are spilling out like seeds. And they fall onto various types of soil. If we want to get the most out of Jesus’ words, then we have to allow it to fall on the good soil, and not be choked out by the pleasures and distractions of the world. In other words, as Jesus says in his conclusion, we must “hold it fast” in our hearts – that is, hold them tightly – patiently waiting for his words to bear fruit in our lives.

The words of Jesus are the most precious words we have, and the thoughts we have about them are the most blessed thoughts we can think. When the weeds and thorns of our minds grow up and try to choke them out, we have to hold fast to Jesus’ words, and not let them distract us. Our minds are one part of our core selves (or, in the words of the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer, our “heart”). Holding fast to Jesus’ words, and patiently waiting, will lead us to see them bear fruit.

How often do you think about Jesus’ words? How might you train yourself to think about them more often, and more deeply?

Lord, you have spoken to us words of life: come into our minds and clear out the weeds of distraction, that we may hold fast to your word, and after patient waiting on your mercy, bear fruit in our lives.


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