You Must Rule Over It (Genesis 4:7)


Friday, January 17, 2025

Psalms 40

Genesis 3:20-4:16

John 7:14-24

You Must Rule Over It (Genesis 4:7)

One of the most striking things about these opening chapters of the Bible is that God’s grace and mercy just pour out. At every turn, humans do something wrong, and God responds by doing something good. The account of Abel’s murder at the hand of his brother Cain has a twofold mercy. God’s grace spills out double.

The first is when Cain makes his initial error. He did not do what God wanted, and God told him so. Understandably, but inexcusably, Cain was angry, and his face fell. There are things we want to do for God, but God doesn’t want us to – should we be angry that he doesn’t want what he doesn’t want? And here is the first mercy: God lifts up Cain and gives his some wise life advice. “If you do well, will you not be accepted?” - if you do what God wants, won’t it be wonderful? “And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door” – be careful of being stubborn, because sin is ready to take advantage of it. “Its desire is contrary to you, but you must rule over it” – be in control of your passions and desires, do not let them control you.

In our daily lives, but particularly in our worship (because our worship is the highest expression of our daily life with God), we must “do well”; we must offer sacrifices pleasing to God; we must give God what he wants, not what we want. And if we don’t, we have to be careful about how our emotions direct our response, because sin is ready to pounce and manipulate those emotions into even greater sin. This is what befell Cain, when he allowed his anger to grow, murdering his brother and lying to God.

Yet even if we have allowed our misstep with God to turn into sin and death, there is the second mercy – God ends the cycle of sin. “If anyone kills Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.”

God gave Cain the advice on how to end the cycle of sin. And God practised what he preached, when he ended that cycle which Cain could not. In Jesus, the cycle of sin has been ultimately ended: he has taken the punishment we deserve, and by faith in his blood, we are given the riches of heaven.

What cycle of sin is happening in your life? How will you take God’s advice to Cain and apply it to your own situation?

God of mercy, write your instructions on my heart, so that I may be free of the cycle of sin and live in the freedom of the love you have given me in Jesus.


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