The Whole Land Before You (Genesis 13:9)
Monday, January 27, 2025
Psalm 68:1-20
Genesis 13
Luke 1:1-12
Observance: John Chrysostom, bishop of Constantinople, teacher (d. 407)
The Whole Land Before You (Genesis 13:9)
There once was a certain American political leader. Such was the job that there were always issues that needed solutions, and so he had an army of aides who would spend their days working out the best solution for each problem. According to legend, his aides would bring him three options from which he could choose, placing them out side by side on his desk – and they would always place their own preference in the middle. And so, for the four years in which this man held office, he always did what his aides wanted, because they had figured out how to manipulate his decision.
If we want to give someone the option of choosing, do we feel the need to try and get them to choose what we want them to choose?
Abram was the big man, the patriarch, the uncle. Lot was just the nephew. But note how Abram gives Lot the choice: take that side, or the other; it is of no consequence to me.
This takes courage and resolve and a whole truckload of confidence. We need to know that we will be happy no matter what the other person asks for. When we offer the plate of mixed donuts around, and we have our eye on the one with the chocolate sprinkles, we have to not only put on a brave face when our sister takes it first, but actually within our soul be comfortable in not having it for ourselves.
Jesus taught us that if we give, it will be given to us. (Luke 6:38) St Francis of Assisi said that it is in giving that we receive. It is not enough to just give; we have to have a heart that is happy to give, that feeds off giving. As Christians, we know we have everything we could ever ask for – we just have to ask our Father for it. And so we are able to give freely, finding joy in seeing people receive, never having to snatch or be greedy ourselves.
What are you holding onto a little too tightly? What does God want you to have instead, if only you could just let that go?
God of generosity, thank you for giving me everything in Christ. Grow in me a heart of giving, so that I may receive the treasures of heaven.
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