Lest You Should Say (Genesis 14:22-23)


Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Psalm 71

Genesis 14:1-24

Luke 1:13-25

Observance: Thomas Aquinas, theologian (d. 1274)

Lest You Should Say (Genesis 14:22-23)

A pressing issue on the mind of every clergyman and parish councillor is the material well-being of their church. There is always a hole in the annual budget; there are always more repairs than there is money; there are never enough volunteers; the list goes on. What this conundrum can drive us to is a closing-in; of continual consolidation of resources. Batter down the hatches, ride out the storm, and if we use some economic nous we will get to the other side.

But this doesn’t give God the opportunity to show off. Or, to use church lingo, it steals glory from God. The alternative to church stress is to step out in faith; or, to leave church lingo behind again, to give God the opportunity to show off. Just consider who this God is, of what he is like according to the first 14 chapters of the Bible: he is supremely powerful, creating all things with just a word. He is supremely good, making all things and blessing them. He is supremely patient, giving us plenty of time to turn from our mistakes. And he is supremely merciful, supplying mercy in the form of blessing upon blessing towards those who trust him.

Abram had won a great military victory. Consider his strategic and tactical genius, in taking a few hundred of his men and leading them on a nighttime raid, defeating kings and nations. Forget the battle of Thermopylae; the Spartans lost that one. Abram actually won.

In the hubris of victory, it would have been easy for Abram to accept the spoils of war. But he remembered that the Lord had promised him greatness, and declined the king of Sodom’s tainted gift. Abram was going to step out in faith and let God gain glory for himself. Abram was going to give God the opportunity to show off.

What troubles you most about the state of the church right now? What concerns of yours are worldly-minded? How might you leave them to God and give him a chance to show off instead?

Jesus, my high priest in the order of Melchizedek, eternal and unchanging: take our worries for your church and bury them at the foot of your cross, so that you may win the battle on our behalf, and show the world your glory through us.


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