In The Beginning, God. (Genesis 1:1)


Monday, January 13, 2025

Psalm 35:1-17

Genesis 1:1-19

John 6:28-40

In The Beginning, God. (Genesis 1:1)

When Moses wrote the book of Genesis, he was putting together a history of everything so that the Israelites would understand their mission. They were at the end of their wandering through the wilderness; the Promised Land was before them; Moses was about to hand over authority to Joshua; and Joshua was about to lead their conquest. In order to know where they were going, the Israelites needed to know where they had come from. And so Moses wrote Genesis for them.

The need to know where one has come from in order to know where one is going is a universal need. Every human needs this information. So much vain philosophy has been suggested based off incorrect assumptions. If we are to have a true understanding of our meaning in life, then the book of Genesis is an excellent place to start.

Just as, when we started the gospel of John, the first words were “In the beginning was the Word”, the first words here are “In the beginning, God”, and the first thing God does is speak some words. If we want to know where we have come from, then here is our answer: we have come from God. God is before all things, in all things, upholding all things. And he is in charge of ending all things, and through the blood of his Son he redeems all things.

We have all come from God, and we will all return to God. What we do in our time on this earth matters, and will directly affect the nature of our return to God. God came and walked on this earth, his name was Jesus, and he bled and died so that our return to God might be one of joy. His blood means that any sins we commit during our time on this earth will be forgiven – if we repent of those sins and believe in his name.

God is at the beginning even of that forgiveness: “All that the Father gives me will come to me”, Jesus says in our second reading. The Father has given us to the Son – in the beginning, the Father. “Whoever comes to me I will never cast out”, Jesus continues – at the end, the Son. In the beginning, God, and at the end, God. We are from him and we are to him. And this is his will: “That everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and [Jesus] will raise him up on the last day.” The sovereign will and decree of God is inarguable, incontroversial, and glorious.

Where did you think you were going this morning? In light of the sovereign will and decree of God, where will you go instead?

Creator God, you made all things, called them good, and continue to sustain them by the word of your power. Grant me a fresh sense of the power of your Word made flesh, my saviour, the Lord Jesus, in my daily walk with you.


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