A Name For Ourselves (Genesis 11:4)


Friday, January 24, 2025

Psalms 56; 57

Genesis 10:32-11:9, 27-32

John 8:31-47

Observance: Companions of Paul, including Timothy, Titus, and Silas

A Name For Ourselves (Genesis 11:4)

To have aspirations is not necessarily a bad thing. Just yesterday we were reflecting on how God gave everything to Noah and that the fear of man had been put into every living thing; opportunity for greatness was handed down from heaven to earth on a silver platter. Perhaps we can look at aspirational thinking as morally neutral: it all depends on the reasons behind it.

The people who wanted to build the Tower of Babel had grand aspirations. While the tower itself was neither here nor there (for God had given them everything), the reason why they wanted to build it was the problem. To make a name for themselves, rather than accepting their place as God’s creatures, was the problem.

We can consider two different coronation services to see the difference. When Charles III was crowned king, it was by the archbishop of Canterbury. That is, all authority and dignity and everything else that makes a king a king came from God. Compare that to Napoleon who, when he graduated from general to emperor, famously took the crown from the Pope and placed it on his own head.

When considering our existence as human beings, we have a paradox to hold. Aslan the lion said it best in Prince Caspian: “You come of the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve. And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth.” We have been blessed with all the good things God has, and he has encouraged us to go and rule this material universe as his image-bearers. But we have also sinned, and must remember his good grace to us in the forgiveness by the blood of Jesus. Our name comes not from ourselves, but from him who made us and forgave us.

To what do you aspire in this life? How does it glorify God? How might you adjust your aspirations so that you can work in co-operation with God?

God of glory: inscribe my name on your heart, so that all who see me may glorify your name.


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