Wonderful in Counsel and Excellent in Wisdom (Isaiah 28:29)


Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Psalms 19; 113

Isaiah 28:14-29

Galatians 3:23-4:7

Observance: At Evening Prayer: The Birth of Our Lord

Wonderful in Counsel and Excellent in Wisdom (Isaiah 28:29)

At the eve of the incarnation, when the eternal Word became flesh, condescending to veil his divinity and become like one of us in order to die for us, we consider our short Advent journey through his kingly virtues.

This passage from Isaiah nicely encapsulates where we have come from: the Lord gives us instruction; his instructions are trustworthy; our attempts to follow them will be successful. Now we are left with the choice: will we set off on this adventure? Or will we make a “covenant with the place of the dead”?

Isaiah makes use of a parable, or an allegory, or an illustration from every day life to make his point. The farmer knows how to work his crop. In the same way, the Lord knows what he is doing with his people. Another way of taking in the story about the farmer is the lesson on following the Lord. Why do we so easily accept the Lord’s instructions on physical matters, yet ignore his lessons on spiritual concerns?

The contrast could not be more stark. Prideful scoffers, stumbling drunkenly in their own vomit, ruled over by children – or knights and dames of the Lord, lives marked by chivalry, being wisely virtuous in all their doings?

This is not something any of us will attain straight away. The choice has to be made, but it is a choice whether to step out the door or not. Inside is the same old – the worn slippers, the comfy chair, the pot of tea. Step outside and there are dragons, goblins, hardship – but also great glory, the glory of the crown of the Lord Jesus Christ. We know how the physical realm works, and as a human race, have achieved great material marvels. Why not follow the same heavenly instruction on how to live, and step out into the adventure of a disciple of Christ?

Jesus, King and Cornerstone of all creation: give me the courage to step out as a follower of you. Support me in the trials of life, and give me the wisdom to always choose the way you would have me live.


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