The Authority Of The Son (Isaiah 9:6)


Thursday, December 12, 2024

Psalms 99; 100

Isaiah 9:2-17

Mark 8:1-13

The Authority Of The Son (Isaiah 9:6)

Having spent last week learning that the only teacher of virtue we need is the Lord, we are spending this week learning to trust his teachings. For, so often, when we are faced with an opportunity to show Christian virtue, we find excuses not to.

It may be something seemingly negligible – why stand when my elder enters a room? Or, it may be big – why expose a lie, or corruption?

Yet in all things we should not only learn the virtues of our King, but to trust in them as the best way to live.

The prophet is warning the people that, should they not turn from their wickedness, a judge will arise. He will gather his own people safely in his arms, but the rebels will be cast out. He speaks of this judge-to-come in words that the church has always understood to be referring to the Lord Jesus.

And so, when looking for a good reason to trust God’s instruction, we can look at how he keeps his word. Not only the fact that he keeps it – Jesus was born, a Son was given to us. But also how God keeps his word: that this Son, who is also Mighty God, was given to us so that he may die for us. The trustworthiness of God’s instructions for our living is sealed by his own blood.

When have you chosen the virtuous option, in spite of how silly it seemed at the time? How did God vindicate you in that?

Jesus, my wonderful Counsellor: give me a deeper trust in your word, that your wisdom may grow deep in me, and my trust in you be made steadfast.


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