For All To See (Zechariah 5:1)


Monday, October 14, 2024

Psalms 108; 109:20-30

Zechariah 4:8-5:11

1 Peter 1:1-9

For All To See (Zechariah 5:1)

As we get further into these visions of Zechariah, one cannot help but feel the same sense of overwhelming confusion one gets when reading through the book of Revelation. Something very profound is being communicated to us here, and God has spoken through Zechariah to us in the form of visions, rather than propositional statements.

In our lectionary reading we have been given two visions: a flying scroll, and a basket being carried by winged women. Perhaps in three years’ time, when this reading comes back around again, we can look at the basket. Today, though, lets look at the scroll.

This picture of a flying scroll reminds me of those planes that sometimes fly around with a banner behind them, or perhaps of those sky-writing planes. Big letters, up in the sky, for all to see. If you are an advertiser and want to get your message out, then writing it in big letters up in the sky is not a bad way to go.

I also cannot help but think of the professed unbeliever, who complains why God does not make himself known more obviously. Quite often, some sort of cosmic display making himself known up in the heavens is part of the desired method on the part of this type of person.

This is exactly what God is saying with the vision of the flying scroll. God’s ways are known to everyone: it is up in the sky in big letters for all to see. The secret, private places of our heart know it to be true. Indeed, says St Paul (in his letter to the Romans), what may be known about God is plain for all to see, because God has made it plain. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. (Romans 1:19-20)

When we pick up our sword and our trowel – the word of God and the grace to live out that word – there will be opposition. This opposition can come in all sorts of forms, none of it pleasant. But if we are standing on the promises of God, then we can confidently face any and all opposition, not just because we know it to be true, but because the opponents of God’s word know it to be true as well. When was the last time you went to God and opened your heart to him? Are you confident that Jesus will wipe away all iniquities so that you are able to stand before God honestly and completely? What opposition do you currently face, and is it because you are wrong, or because your opponents have hardened their hearts to God’s truth? What prayers might you make on behalf of those opponents?

Lord Jesus, strengthen my resolve to take an honest account of myself before your throne of grace. And give me the strength to face your opponents in my life with the same love you have for me.


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