Who Knows? (Joel 2:14)


Saturday, September 28, 2024

Psalm 71

Joel 2:12-24

Ephesians 6:10-24

Who Knows? (Joel 2:14)

Oftentimes when considering the blessings of God, we can get caught up on all the immaterial, spiritual blessings. This is good, of course. But we must also remember that God’s purpose in Jesus’ death and resurrection was to bring about a new earth as well as a new heavens. There are to be material blessings, as well as spiritual.

Joel is calling the nation to repentance, to rend their hearts and not their clothes. To come to God in their hearts – spiritually – so that God may send down the material blessings of bountiful crops and, more broadly, a healthy environment. He pleads with them, just try it, and asks the question: “Who knows? God may turn and have pity and leave behind a blessing.”

Are we in any question about this? Joel was writing these words before Jesus of Nazareth walked the earth, but we are reading them after. Is it a question, or is it a statement of fact? That, if we turn away from wickedness and turn towards God in love, then we will experience the full force of God’s amazing blessings?

In our Prayer Book for Australia, every day of morning prayer is designed as to imply a certain theme. On Saturdays, our theme is thanksgiving for creation. You may have noticed that theme in today’s prayer just before this reflection: “Creator God, whose praise and power are proclaimed by the whole creation: receive our morning prayers, we pray, and renew us in your service; through Jesus Christ our Lord.” And our theme for these Bible reflections is The Sword And The Trowel, challenging us to think about our modern situation in the context of the history of God’s people. Getting caught up in the high drama of politics, trade and culture is exciting. But there is also just as important a place for the natural world. Joel asked the question, and Jesus is the answer. We know: turn to God, and God will turn to us, and have pity, and leave behind a blessing.

Take the opportunity today to enjoy something of God’s creation. Where do you see God’s blessing in the natural world?

God of creation, inspire my heart with wonder and love at the world you have created for me. Turn my heart towards you, so that I may enjoy the blessings you have given me.


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