Removing The Proud (Zephaniah 3:11)


Monday, September 9, 2024

Psalm 22:1-22

Zephaniah 3:11-20

1 John 4:1-12

Removing The Proud (Zephaniah 3:11)

We begin afresh the work of the sword and the trowel, of building the kingdom of heaven on earth. The new week has begun, hopefully restored after a holy rest. It is probably a good idea to remind ourselves of the attitude we are to have as we set our hands again to the task before us.

Today, Zephaniah is concluding his prophecy where all of history will conclude: the blessings of God upon his people. If we remember our method of reading biblical prophecy, we can see that all this has happened, is yet to happen, and is happening now (in different ways, of course, as God gradually reveals his ultimate plan through the course of time).

It is comforting to read this final section of the book and know that this is where we are all headed: a place with no shame and no pride, no lies and no fear. When Christ returns and brings all things to its end, we will be resurrected into this perfect life, finally freed from sin entirely, and blessed with the vision of Jesus face to face.

In another way, we know that Christ’s death on the cross was where the victory was won, and his resurrection sealed the deal. And so we could say that, since our end is so bright, so too is the brightness of our now.

Therefore, as we look up to another week of kingdom work, let’s take the opportunity to get into the frame of our mind that our Lord desires of us: do not let your hands hang limp; the Lord our God is with us, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in us, he will quiet us with his love, he will rejoice over us with singing.

What is your attitude towards the work to which God has called you? How might you do such work cheerfully, looking towards your glorious future?

God-With-Us, you rejoice when I do your will. Give me the grace to love this work, and view all things in the mirror of the wonderful eternity you have planned for me.


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