Prepare For War! (Joel 3:9)


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Psalm 74

Joel 3:9-21

Colossians 1:9-20

Prepare For War! (Joel 3:9)

One of the many benefits of regular Bible reading is that we learn to avoid the trap of the mondegreen. A mondegreen is when you mis-hear or mis-remember a line from, say, a song or a poem. One example comes from today’s reading: “Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears.” (Joel 3:10) Doesn’t that sound a little off? Isn’t it the other way around? If so, you may be remembering Isaiah 2:4, which reads: “They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.”

Pulling this part of Joel together with that part of Isaiah makes one realise that, between the two, we are getting a fuller picture of how God relates to humanity. In Joel, there are people turning their tools into weapons, and coming into the valley of God’s judgement. Isaiah, meanwhile, turns the camera towards those who are turning their weapons into tools, and ascending the holy mountain of God’s loving mercy.

Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors! The cry has gone out to all the nations. Does anyone wish to stand against the Lord? Let them come into the valley of decision, where God sits waiting for them. Meanwhile, should any wish to stand with the Lord, let them ascend his holy mountain, which drips with new wine, above the hills flowing with milk, down which the ravines run with water, flowing from the fountain in the Lord’s house.

We all were once enemies of God, but when we were far off, God met us in Jesus and brought us into his friendship. There are still many enemies of God; yet the gospel is going out to the ends of the earth, bearing fruit, turning those enemies into friends every passing moment as we draw ever closer to the final Day of the Lord. What once were weapons we used against the Lord are now tools we use to enjoy his blessing. Meanwhile, we can see many people who are still trying to fight against the Lord with weapons that should be used as tools for the blessing of his kingdom.

Where are the weapons of war against the Lord in your circle of relationships? How might you encourage the people wielding them to use them instead as tools of God’s blessing?

Lord Christ Jesus, you turned the weapon of the cross into the tool of our salvation. Change the weapons around us into tools to build your kingdom.


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