Living In The Rocks (Obadiah 3)


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Psalm 25

Obadiah 1-14

1 John 4:13-21

Living In The Rocks (Obadiah 3)

When was the last time you read the book of the prophet Obadiah? Considering it is the shortest of all the Old Testament books, it is a wonder we don’t read it more often. And how marvellously vivid is the imagery!

One can just picture it: the Edomites, living up in the mountains, keeping themselves aloof from the world around them, hoarding their treasure deep in the rock. When the world around them is burning – and in particular, their kin in Jerusalem, ravaged by the Babylonians – they remain up in their mountain strongholds, counting their coins, ignoring the cries below. It almost makes you wonder if they also were a short, stocky people, with thick beards and axes; the connection to the dwarfs of fantasy is uncanny.

But we read about dwarfs (and goblins and dragons and elves) so that we know what to do when we come across them in real life. Because as the book of Obadiah demonstrates, dwarfs do exist in real life. There are people who hide themselves away in safe mountains and hoard their treasure and don’t care at all for the people around them. And God has something to say about them, too: they will get what they desire. When it comes for their turn to be attacked, no-one will be around to help them. As they lived alone with their wealth, they will die alone.

If the dwarfs want to hide up in the mountains counting their gold, then we need not be concerned with them. Plenty of people have tried to break into those fortresses and take it off them, but for all that effort, they usually become dwarfs themselves. We instead are down on the plains, facing the foe, following our Captain. Christ Jesus came as a man, not a dwarf, or an elf, or any other fantastical creature. He comes to lead us as the race of men, of human beings in the midst of danger, and he leads us into victory.

This is our charge, as men and women made in the image of God and redeemed by the blood of Jesus: to build the kingdom of heaven here on earth, to wield the sword and the trowel, and not to hide away in the mountains. There is work to be done here and now. Our kin are suffering, and Jesus has given us the grace of God to take to them and free them, just as he has freed us.

If you lived in a world of fantasy, what creature do you think you are most like? What makes a human being different from everything else? What is our responsibility in this world as followers of Jesus?

Lord Jesus, our Captain and Saviour: lead us from our hiding-places of fear out into the wide plains of your victorious love.


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