The Lord Heard And Healed (2 Chronicles 30:20)


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Psalm 118:1-18

2 Chronicles 30:13-27

Romans 12:9-21

The Lord Heard And Healed (2 Chronicles 30:20)

We are a bit over one month into our theme of The Sword And The Trowel, and we’ve already had plenty to think about. And to then ponder the fact that our readings will continue this theme all the way to the start of the next Christian calendar, the start of December, makes me wonder about how much more we will learn. It can be daunting to think about just how much there is to know if we want to get this right.

Add to this the fact that we want to gather up more people into this great project of building the kingdom of heaven on earth. Just as Jesus spread his arms on the cross to embrace all the flock, including those who are yet to be gathered in, we are to be looking outward, finding and bringing in all of God’s people.

What happens, then, when there are people who have just joined us, like those who came from out of town to answer Hezekiah’s invitation to the Passover? They had not gone through the purification ritual, yet they ate the Passover, contrary to what was written.

Instead of barring people from the great feast, Hezekiah prayed for them. May the Lord, who is good, pardon everyone who sets his heart on seeking God – faith and obedience take precedence over ritual, it would seem.

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, so they say, and we humble students of the Master of heaven are only just starting out on this journey. As we keep sending out the invitations to return to the Lord and feast at his table, we need to remind ourselves of how we first answered that invitation: with little to no ritual purification, but with the faith and obedience that God loves above all else. The Lord Jesus has purified us ritually, by his death on the cross. Now we are to respond with faith and obedience, trusting in his prayers for us.

Have you been sending out invitations to this great feast? Are you ready for who might answer that invitation?

Lamb of God, you have purified me and planted in my heart the spark of faith. Inflame that faith, so that I may rejoice before you with all your saints, near and far.


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