That Is For The Priests (2 Chronicles 26:18)


Friday, August 16, 2024

Psalm 105:1-22

2 Chronicles 26:16-27-9

Romans 10:14-21

That Is For The Priests (2 Chronicles 26:18)

A popular attitude in politics, usually used in derision towards the lowest level of governance, the local council, is that they are only responsible for “rubbish, roads and rates”. Some councillors have tried, in vain, to make the local council a body of governance more noble in their own eyes. But all that that results in is the follow-up call; to “stay in your lane”.

King Uzziah has been told the same thing by the temple priests. It is not right for the civil ruler to enter the holy place and perform the work of religion, and so he breaks out in some sort of horrible skin condition as a result (if you remember our study through Leviticus, you might have an appreciation for how serious this is).

We have tried to do the same thing in Australia: to separate politics and religion. But we haven’t done a terribly good job of it. What we have discovered is that our Lord is Lord of everything, including civil governance, and when we try and exclude God from our legislation, we end up with wicked legislation. The problem that lies in front of us involves these two facts: that today’s text seems to argue in favour of a separation of church and state, while lived experience has proved the opposite. Perhaps there is more to this than we previously thought.

King Uzziah did well when he listened to Zechariah, his pastor, and walked in the ways of the Lord as king. The city defences were bolstered, security was achieved, and the land was invested in with widespread engineering works, giving the people economic success. The moment at which King Uzziah left his lane and went to do the work of the priest, of offering incense, was when things started to go wrong for him.

This seems to be what is going on: that civil rulers should be walking in the way of the Lord. They should be listening to their pastors, and passing legislation that honours God. St Peter, in one of his letters, tells us that all Christians are members of a royal priesthood. If the old priests were the people who ministered God to others, then all believers are obligated to do this. St Paul urges us onwards in this calling in today’s second lesson: who can be saved by faith if they have not heard?

We have all been given a position in life by God. He has called us to be business owners, teachers, academics, labourers, cooks, and, yes, even lord mayors. What is your position in this kingdom of heaven on earth? How are you to minister God to others as a member of the royal priesthood? Where are the gaps in your responsibility, and where are the people of God responsible for filling those gaps?

Lord of the nations, show me the place you have prepared for me. Speak to me words of wisdom, so that I may fulfil my obligations specific to the calling you have made on my life.


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