Smashing the Sacred Stones (2 Chronicles 31:1)


Friday, August 23, 2024

Psalms 124; 125; 126

2 Chronicles 31:1-12a

Romans 13

Smashing the Sacred Stones (2 Chronicles 31:1)

When it comes to a national revival, of the kingdom of heaven bursting forth, of the work of the sword and the trowel, there would seem to be an ordering of events, an order clearly seen here in the account of King Hezekiah’s reign.

The first step was to offer right worship. The Temple was repaired, the orders of priests and Levites resurrected, and the worship prescribed in the books of Moses restored. Faithful worship pleasing to God, obedient according to the scriptures, brought about a national revival. People from all over then came to join in that worship. God was worshipped in the way God wants to be worshipped, and the result was magnificent.

From this place of unspeakable joy and blessing, the people then went out and smashed the stones and cut down the poles of demon worship. They went to God first, then out into the world. The revival happened in the heart, then in the hands.

This is the order Jesus laid out for us when he gave us the two great commandments: first, love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Return to God; love God; fear him. This is the foundation, the starting point, the hedge of protection around the Christian. It is from this place that we then go out and love our neighbour as ourselves. Indeed, we cannot know what it means to love one another if we do not first know the Lord of love. There is a divine ordering set in place that God wants us to follow if we want to do his work in the world.

What is the order of your desires? Are you seeking God first and the righteousness that comes from living in his kingdom before thinking about what to do next?

Jesus, joy of my desire, order my heart in the way you want. Show me how to love the world by showing me your love.


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