Send Back The Prisoners (2 Chronicles 28:11)


Saturday, August 17, 2024

Psalm 106:1-24

2 Chronicles 28:1-15

Romans 11:1-12

Send Back The Prisoners (2 Chronicles 28:11)

Let’s be unashamed about our intentions in doing the work of the sword and the trowel: we want God to bless us. Building the kingdom of heaven on earth is objectively good, with objectively good results. In the Bible, God promises us many times over that if we walk in his ways then we will receive blessings; of descendants, of prosperous and safe land to live on, and long and happy life.

But what is the end purpose of these blessings we are chasing? Is it so that we can all zoom around in private jets, staying in expensive hotels with precious metals encrusted on our toilets? There is an important Biblical lesson we learn from school sports: to be gracious in victory.

The cycle of Chronicles continues, and today we read about an evil king of Judah, Ahaz. He did lots of terrible things, and the worst of them is something we are now unhappily familiar with: he “sacrificed his sons in the fire”, a truly “detestable” act. As a result of this and many other cruel misdeeds, God brings about judgement by way of the northern kingdom of Israel. A great victory is given to them, slaughtering many of the wicked men of Judah, and winning plenty of booty to take home. But on the way, the prophets come and spoil their fun: “aren’t you also guilty of sins against the Lord your God? … You must not bring those prisoners here, or we will be guilty before the Lord.”

St Paul, meanwhile, is pouring his heart out for the sake of his fellow Jews. Many of them still do not recognise their Messiah and ours, the Lord Jesus. Yet he is not forgetting what God desires we do with our success; every saved Christian, every member of the elect who has obtained salvation, is to be gracious, because God has saved us by grace. And besides, he continues, if their loss means riches for us, how much greater riches will their fullness bring!

As we build this great cathedral of the kingdom of heaven on earth, we must remember it is by God’s grace alone that we are able to be here. How much greater will this project be if there are more people working on it? Who do you know personally that, were they to be brought into the fullness of salvation in Christ, bring greater spiritual riches for everyone?

God of my salvation, teach me to be gracious with the amazing grace you have shown me. May I be an instrument of your grace as you draw all your people into your heavenly kingdom.


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